Single moms dating younger guys

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A 70-year-old woman going out with a 40-year-old guy is considered creepy. You never know what life is gonna throw you. I didn't even shake your hand. Have a nice day. I tout that this was strange but I answered and told him my tubes were tied. Take a look at the rules that these moms came up with -- TBH, they make a whole lot of sense to us!.

For so many years, I would ONLY date men who had kids. Meaning, I would only date single dads. I had my reasons for sticking to this rule. I thought that: Someone who was already a parent would get me. Only a father would know how to parent because he was already one. I figured that a dad came with real life experience. As it turns out surprise! And, as you know, I am now married to a man who did not have any kids. Update: We now have a baby together! She has sole custody of her 9-year-old daughter. They have no contact with the birth father. But it can be hard. Did you ever feel afraid and ask him to slow down? I am dating a dad with a special needs child. His kid and I get a long great. The adjustment has not been too bad with the kid because I have a plethora of nieces and nephews, two of which I took care of when they were young. Additionally, he has his kid every other weekend and even still, I take evening classes on the weekdays. So kidwise, it has been easy. I feel that integrating with the kid is the easy part. The hard part is dealing with him as a parent. I often feel confused on my role and alienated. When I try to be respectful about staying in my lane, I am asked to take more of role. But, when I take on more of a role, we argue because I am seen as trying to change things. It feels like he would like me to play a larger part but wants me to do it his way only. For instance, we do not agree on discipline. I believe in talking it out and allowing kid to have a voice — so I can get to the heart of what is going on. I also believe in teaching independence and that it is okay for a kid to cry things out. He is more of a tough love type. If I let his kid cry it out, that is the time he expects me to give in and let the kid has his way. I feel like it has now become a competition of whose way is the best way. Where he wants me to discipline but then undermines it right afterwards. It is like the non parent has to have a certain amount of emotional independence which really hinders the connection. I never even tried to step in until I was asked. But it is negatively impacting his kid. His son draws pictures of himself crying all the time. At this point, I have decided to slow things down and not be around during the kid weekends. I feel alienated to the point that I feel a need to pull back and be less invested. My expectation was never to have an instant family, but at the same time, although I understand the patience it requires to date a single parent a few of my friends and both my sisters are single parents , parents have to check in with their non parent partners and connect on where they are at without getting defensive or writing off how they feel. As a non parent, you begin to not take the relationship as seriously because the wall is too high to make that deeper emotional connection. Rose After reading these posts, and the above article, I think there are different classes of people. There are those who just are not kid people. Instead of bashing single moms, just stick to dating other kidless people. From my experience I would caution single moms to see dating as a way to fill the empty place of the man of the house. I made that maistake more than once. Instead of looking for the right man for your kids…. Think about it this way. My theory is that if your really honest with yourself as to what you as an individual want and need from a relationship, then the family sector will naturally follow suit. Do not go about it in the reverse and match the man to the kids and family life first! You are the one who will be committed to this person and if you marry them they need to satisfy your needs! The kids will grow up and you deserve to be left with someone who adores you and whom you adore back. It can be challenging getting a single guy on board with some of the realities of raising kids. The kids will NOT always be perfect or well behaved. It is normal and healthy for kids to test limits. Kids can and should be rowdy at times, and this can be misunderstood by someone who is used to the peace and quiet of being alone. This is where the slowing down part comes in. When there are kids slowing down is very good! Be greatful for your independence, and take all the time you need! I have been dating the same man for a year and a half and we own our own homes. I do not want to rush anything, or give up my independence. Take it from someone who has rushed before more than once. And to the kidless person; thank your lucky stars for space, independence, and slowing things down. Sal My experience with dating women with kids is it is just way too many problems. I am dating one right now who has a 5 and 9 year old. I am very unhappy. Her kids act out, are very rude, spoiled and regularly talk back to her. They also ease drop on on conversations, are sneaky and manipulative between the two parents and grandparents. Coming home to them after a long day of work is exhausting for me. I still have my own place, thank god we do not live together, and I only see them twice a week but even that is too much. My girlfriend has so much debt and the bills just pile up every month. Kids are expensive and its only getting worse as they get older. She is always behind on her bills and has a bunch of debt and is always hitting me up for money. I feel like I am being used. The kids father is useless and invasive at the same time. My advice is stay away from women with kids unless they are widowed. Usually the ones who are widowed have kids who have better character as they do not come from a divorced home. Many children of divorced homes have serious issues. All single ladies of his age did claim and want his child. I love his freshness, his passion, his authenticity. The single dads out there are too boring for me and I have no illusions about starting over with joint families. It almost never works out. Niki V I find childless men to be extremely selfish. They do not understand or respect the single mom life. It is a hard unsupported role. These childless men that want to be with me should hero up a bit more. Single parents need heroes sometimes, not another whiny brat needing my attention. Your life IS easier. No one owes you and your kids anything. You made the decision to have those kids. You also made the decision to have those kids with the wrong man. This is no ones fault but your own and the bio dad whom you had those kids with. It is no ones job to play hero. Look at it this way. Is that fair in a relationship? Is that a healthy relationship? You give your kids 90% of your affection, time and energy and you expect someone to make you and your kids again not even their kids top priority? It seems very selfish and unfair. The best thing to do is wait until your kids grow up and are out of the house or date someone else who also has kids. The only exception I will make is for widows. Single parents who feel it should be someones life purpose to hero up and save them need a reality check ASAP. Life doesnt work that way. Relationships are give and take not all taking all of the time. Rose Warum sollen die Männer nach für einer alleinerziehende Mutter suchen? Translation: Why should men look for single mothers? I am a single, childless man and have been approached by single mothers. You know what I find? I have had bad experiences with single mothers trying to get with me. I also have heard of all the horror stories from men who did not like dating single mothers after having fallen into that trap. One single mother tried to post on Facebook suggesting indirectly to me, subtly, that she wanted a man with responsibility. She had the hots for me because we were working at the same workplace. Another single mother, recently divorced, tried to flirt with me on social media after posting that she was in hot water with her husband, found out he cheated, and now wants to rebound with another guy so soon. I cut off all contact with her because she did not realize that she needed to own up to herself, take care of her own kid, and establish parenting custody with the father of the baby. The father before had been divorced from an adulterous wife and picked her right up a few months into the job that she was working at as his employee. However, I am not interested in single mothers. The constant societal pressure from society to demand that a man my age should date, marry, and keep a single mother as opposed to dating, marrying, and keeping a single unwed young woman to be my wife, my best friend, my lover, and mother of my own child is infuriating! I hate it and I wish single mothers would back off and start dating single dads! The Dad had treated her really badly selfish, controlling etc but to his credit came back from abroad to share custody of their daughter. Everything was going great and any progress was being driven by her. The L word, meeting parents, holiday together and always pressing me to spend more time with her daughter. After some initial hesitation on my part I never intended to get involved with a single Mum I was smitten. We had begun discussing moving in together and maybe having a child together one day. I was very happy and excited about the future. This came as quite a shock considering what had come before. Is she scared of getting hurt again? Some advice and help please! Tia Im also currently dating someone I have known for years,much before tiking of having children. Making comment, gestures ehen the kids are there. Also seems irrated that Im not with him when I have the kids. When kids arent with me wants my waking non working minutes with him. Its draining me in the sense I feel pulled in each direction. Even mentioning within wks of dating Moving in with him, cutting hours in working to save me stress or saving money as a single mom. Mind you Ive been a single mom 7 out of 13 yrs. Idk i find this alarming. We live in two different states and communicate daily in text, video, pics, and visits. I am 39, divorcee of a 7 year marriage, and I have three kids. On my last visit we went to the movies, out to eat and walked the city. During this time he asked me if I could have kids? I thought that this was strange but I answered and told him my tubes were tied. But he pursues me? The cold, hard truth? As a guy over 40, divorced without kids… yes its like winning multiple lotteries to find a woman around your age without kids. Meaning… extremely slim to none. So, what to do? You are not her priority and never will be. You are not that important to her in the long run. You are a separate relationship to her family. Myriah Pena I am single. Just turned 40 in April. Never married no kids. I liked with this woman who is 43 never married and never had children. For you, single moms. When you date a never married guy, maybe a bit younger. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Vivienne Honestly, I hope you guys work out. I have the opposite situation where he is single, never married and no kids. First thing on my mind is, how will this work when I have kids that are not his. I hope this helps. Lisa I am a 23yr old single mom,dating a 35 yr old guy with no kids. What confuses ne is that he says he loves me and doeant wanna lose me but what kind of love is that if he can not accept me and my child? I believe if he truly loves me he was gonna accept me with my package cz i have accepted him with all his faults. I want to know if i should carry on with the relationship or should i just keep my distance? Thing is ilove him so much but i also love my baby and can never abandon my child because of a guy. His also talking of marriage but looks like my baby gets in his way sometime he says could be easy if the father of the baby was not alive,he wants da child to be only influenced by him not anyone else. Ido not know what to do. I know, your thinking, who thinks that far ahead?! So always ask yourself…will this be something I can be proud of…or will I be guilty and ashamed? Sounds to me you will be kicking yourself in the ass very soon…. Good luck though love!!!! Sometimes it can be complicated for a man who doesnot have kids to understand that the woman will always put her children before their spouse. I love this woman,but if I had to choose. I am a 30 yr old single mother of a 7 year old daughter. I divorced her father when she was only 6 months old and he is a very unstable parent. For the last 4 years up until September my ex was a father figure to her. Due to serious domestic violence we broke up in April. My daughter looked to him like a father but also wanted him gone and had wanted mommy to be with someone else. My concern is with her not really having a father should I be worried that this may not turn to a father daughter bond and that he will leave the discipline and rules up to me-ofcourse he said house rules he would enforce but otherwise he would let me handle it. He has also been single for 10 years and he has treated me better then any man has ever. I can see myself married to him and living a happy life and I do see the benefits for Aubrey. My daughter likes being at his house also. Heather Please do not waste your time on this man. He may be a good man, even a great man, but he is not the man for you. Your happiness is important, but so is your daughters. I have been in a relationship with a man for three years that has not bonded with my daughter. He may tolerate her, but my no means does he love her. It is unfair to your daughter to raise her in that environment. I know from experience that I have struggled and felt conflicted with not leaving for her stake. I love my boyfriend and share the same struggles as you, but if you have a chance to run now do so. Find a man that wants children or has children and is accepting of yours. You should have to choose between the two or feel like you have two separate relationships.

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